Diamantbohrkrone - Advanced dry

Kernbohrer - Fortgeschrittene
Fortgeschrittene trocken
32 - 250 / 1"1/4 - 9" 3/4 [mm]/[in]
Stahlbeton, Beton / Steine / Asphalt, Mauerwerk / Ziegel
Fortschrittliche Diamantsegmente, schnelles Bohren, lange Lebensdauer

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Main features

Drilling mode Fortgeschrittene trocken
Drilling diameter 32 - 250 / 1"1/4 - 9" 3/4 [mm]/[in]
Core bit usable length 320 / 12"1/2 [mm]/[in]
Segment technology DPT - fortgeschrittener Diamant
Segment welding technology Lasergeschweißt
Core bit connection 1"1/4
Material Stahlbeton, Beton / Steine / Asphalt, Mauerwerk / Ziegel

Technical features

DPT - Technical Image

Core bit for Kernbohrer - Fortgeschrittene
Drilling mode Fortgeschrittene trocken
Drilling diameter 32 - 250 / 1"1/4 - 9" 3/4 [mm]/[in]
Core bit usable length 320 / 12"1/2 [mm]/[in]
Segment technology DPT - fortgeschrittener Diamant
Segment welding technology Lasergeschweißt
Core bit connection 1"1/4
Material Stahlbeton, Beton / Steine / Asphalt, Mauerwerk / Ziegel
Features Fortschrittliche Diamantsegmente, schnelles Bohren, lange Lebensdauer

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